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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Jovita Sheppard ROCK RIGHTEOUS at TBN LIVE!!

TBN Studios NYC

So you've been to one concert and you feel as if you been to them all, but there are platforms that God will design specifically for you.

TBN is not just an ordinary platform it is a broadcast network designed to spread the Love and Word of Jesus Christ. Who is JoVita Sheppard? In her own words "a vessel chosen by God, a worshipper......"

Monday night in September at TBN studios in NY this young woman of God ministered to some 200 ppl in a packed out theatre. Her set designed by God to give His people what they need. Her quote "we are on a borrowed life and for this I'm grateful."

In the first set she sang songs from her project currently on iTunes entitled ROCK RIGHTEOUS, her guest artist Blessed helped Jovita rock the stage singing "Awesome God." Blessed is also Jovita’s husband. The second set featured Sarah Wilks from Abundant Life Church in Long Island. Also known as Sarah with an H psalm who led us into worship duet with Jovita singing Our God Is Greater. From this song birthed a medley of worship songs. Jovita flowed into; the place where we stand is Holy, one verse: we’ll never know how much it cost and the height of the worship concluded with Here I am To Worship.

I caught up with Jovita for an interview after her Monday night performance at TBN Studios NYC:


Jacqueline: Who is Jovita Sheppard?

Jovita: Wow that's a great question. Jovita Sheppard is a worshipper first and foremost I also am the director of worship at kingdom church which is pretty much what everyone knows me for.  but the simple answer I'm just a vessel before the Lord waiting to be used and umm I'm very passionate about Him using me, Him just thinking enough about me (chuckle) to be used and so I'm a vessel before the Lord and empty vessel.

Jacqueline: Describe your emotions tonight?

Jovita: I honestly didn't know what to feel tonight. It was just very different the energy in the room there was such an expectation of the Lord. You know and that's really what I connected to most. Umm they came in with such an energy and to my feelings I didn't even have time enough to be nervous before you know getting out here. My whole prayer to the Lord was just I want the people to feel you. I want them to get an authentic encounter umm that's always my prayer before the Lord, so beyond my fatigue, beyond my voice, beyond my gifting, I wanted God to be glorified and I believe that He was and I believe He was pleased.

Jacqueline: Do you remember at what point it was the most exciting for you? Sometimes its surreal? When did it become real?

Jovita: The first set I think when we concluded ummm agnus dei I just felt a surge of the Lord a surge of glory in the place and not that I drew blank when you get into that moment you can't do anything except just bow your heart and submit And when everyone is on one accord and is singing to this omnipotent God that we serve when He responds it's like breath taking for me you know and so umm that was my moment. That was really a moment.

Jacqueline: If you could describe in a few words your husband’s role in your career/life you would probably say?

Jovita: Oh wow (chuckles) he's is major, he is major, he is major umm when I go home umm the way that he pours into my life spiritually and although there are so many people hey Jo we love you, you know thank God for your gift. I go home to prophet, I go home to a priest, I go home to a real man of God and despite you know peoples accolades. He's loving enough to check me, he's loving to support me, umm and he's loving enough to see me at this level and still it doesn't change his approach and umm there's no jealousy there's no nothing. He means so much like the prayer, the fasting, umm the pouring into, wisdom because sometimes I can just over exert myself and his soft tongue is like amazing. I really needed that, I really really need that. He's really been my balance umm for a lot and my sanity in certain areas. Like something's I just don't understand, the Lord allows him to speak into my life and umm really minister and he pours out from his heart. So, when we court, it's an amazing time. His role is so vital I don't even think I could do this without that type of covering. 
Jacks: (ladies take heed)

Jacqueline: When did you realize your vocal gift and who helped cultivate it?

Jovita: I really didn't have umm I’ve been since I was 2.(chuckle) As soon as I could open my mouth my grandfather has us singing. And umm again you know being open to worship and doing praise and worship its like the gifting was there umm and the anointing was there but cultivating my gift and my craft I definitely needed help. So persons like Lenny, he's from Allen, and Katrice "Binki"Walker they were actually with me umm helping to train my voice and still going through that now. For someone to sit down and you know hey Jo do this do that I didn't get any of that, I didn't get any of that a lot of this is Spirit led umm and so that's just how I've been operating and now I believe (laughs) there's going to come a level you know where I'm going to constantly be in 2 and 3 hour vocal training. And I would love it, literally because I believe umm there are certain parts of my voice I haven't even tapped into simply because I haven't been sat down by an instructor so I look forward to that.

Jacqueline: If you had an opportunity who would you pick for a vocal coach?

Jovita: I have no clue..but I think it would be in the genre of Opera. They actually develop your voice in certain areas and the range umm the breathing, everything that's in Opera is just like so (laughs) so amazing and so it would have to be someone in that field. The name I can't tell ya! (laughs)

Jacqueline: Describe a time when the Lord arrested you while you were performing for His people?

Jovita: He always does (laughs) the question would be describe a time when He does not..(laughs) . Yea because it's a worship encounter at any moment we'll be in mid song (snaps finger) and He'll switch and He'll change. Say this, say that, speak here, don't speak this is all Spirit led umm even the set. I was really before the Lord to find out Lord how do you want me to flow? and so I don't just say ok I'm an artist I'm going to do whatever is out now, whatever my single is. I get before the Lord in everyone's house for everyone's engagement and just sit there and when He speaks that's how I move. So it has nothing to do with oh yea they told her to sing this song, no it has everything to do with flow.

Jacqueline: So you don't have a set?

Jovita: I don't! It's whatever the Lord is saying at that time, I want to really be open. The reason why, He controls this I don't and the more it becomes about people saying and people doing, you're going to see me NOT anointed. This is all about, it’s all about the flow of Christ and so whatever He says, thats what I sing. I don't sing my favorite song, I don't (chuckle) it's not about that because He knows what they need to hear and I can go in there with my own agenda

 Jacqueline: mmmhmm

Jovita: And they miss a total experience something I that i should've given out. And so this is not umm this is definitely not controlled. We use wisdom where we go we are sensitive to the house umm to what's both palpable and what God wants to release. And so that's pretty much how it rolls.

Jacqueline: I think that is original because most artist have their set songs and it's over and over they don't allow any versatility in their music.

Jovita: And they probably don't allow you know the Holy Spirit to breathe into their sets. This is all about Him. The music is just a set up for His entrance. (laughs) We're coming corporately together just to set up his entrance and when He's there (claps hands) it's a God encounter.

Jacqueline: And your preaching?

Jovita: Ah yea l am (chuckle) I do speak, I preach umm wherever the Lord leads. Again this is not my own life and however He wants to use my gift, my voice umm the wisdom that He's given me I will release it to the world umm you know that's just where my faith is. So if He told me to speak I will speak and I've been speaking (laughs) and umm you know youth engagements and different churches umm I just really believe however God wants to use me, I'm just open at this point.

Jacqueline: There was an abundance of mixed young people here tonight of different ethnicity worshipping your thoughts?

Jovita: I actually appreciate it because God has made our sound diverse, so it cuts throughout the culture. It kind of like permeates all barriers and restrictions. It's not Black versus White, it's not Italian versus. Spanish, it's God. And when He's in the building, race, denomination, none of that stuff matters, even age. The young people are just as broken, if not more broken than older people. So God is just not given us a diversified sound but it's relevant to this generation and our past generation you know the generation that proceeded us. And so when your worshipping this God like He's so huge and so you know if we control it, we would try to confine Him to you know a tradition or we'd try to box Him in. And so He's breaking all barriers and so to see the young people there lamenting young as 10, to see you know mid age people you know just broken before the Lord. Like That's what the encounter is about. When God is there you know when He spoke to the multitudes there were different generations there. When Jesus spoke you saw (you know what I mean?)

Jacqueline: mmhmm

Jovita: You saw the fruit of it and so that's how it should be now. It's not about a specific generation nor specific culture but God is breaking through all barriers.

The show is scheduled to air November 2011. Please check Jovitas’s FaceBook or twitter @ jowriter or @jdmac100 for exact dates and with your cable provider for local listings.

Jovita is also in the November issue of Root Magazine as the "Shine" artist on page. 31

For booking please contact: The JDM Group. John McArthur via email or call (347)-721.0560.